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Please bear in mind that computer monitors will display colours differently from one another and the colours here may vary slightly from batch to batch.

Crowded House  |  Accolade  |  Encore  |  Drama Queen  |  Tidy-up  |  The Wedge  |  Councillor  |  Journalist  |  Time Out

Colors1 Steel, Khanda Seating
Petrol Blue
Colors1 Petrol Blue, Khanda Seating
Colors1 Oak, Khanda Seating
Colors1 Burgendy, Khanda Seating
Colors1 Rust, Khanda Seating
Colors1 Honeybear, Khanda Seating
Sea Green
Colors1 Sea Green, Khanda Seating
Colors1 Black, Khanda Seating
Royal Blue
Colors1 Royal Blue, Khanda Seating
Colors1 Pimento, Khanda Seating

High Roller  |  Hollywood  |  Blu-Ray  |  Bollywood

0158 Burgandy
Colors3 0158 Burgandy, Khanda Seating
D4214TC Maroon
Colors3 D4214TC Maroon, Khanda Seating
A3927AX Chocolate
Colors3 3927AX Chocolate, Khanda Seating
D429901 Black
Colors3 D429901 Black, Khanda Seating

Bravo  |  Broadway  |  Phantom  |  Opera  |  Cabaret  |  Playhouse  |  Diplomat  |  Ambassador  |  VIP  |  Showtime  |  Movie Marathon  |  Box Office

16Y-704 Royal Blue

Colors2 16HY 602 Royal Blue, Khanda Seating

16-703 Blue

Colors2 16Y 703 Blue, Khanda Seating

16Y-1019 Green

Colors2 16Y 1019 Green, Khanda Seating

16Y-904 Black and Gray

Colors2 16Y 904 Black And Gray, Khanda Seating

16Y-10311 Light Coral

Colors2 16Y 10311 Light Coral, Khanda Seating

16Y-801 Dark Indian Red

Colors2 16Y 801 Dark Indian Red, Khanda Seating

16Y-1014 Blue

Colors2 16Y 1014 Blue, Khanda Seating

16Y-804 Blue and Black

Colors2 16Y 804 Blue And Black, Khanda Seating

16Y-1032 Light Grey

Colors2 16Y 1032 Light Grey, Khanda Seating

16HY-606 Deep Blue

Colors2 16HY 606 Deep Blue, Khanda Seating

16Y-908 Dark Blue

Colors2 16Y 908 Dark Blue, Khanda Seating

16HY-611 Blue Green

Colors2 16HY 611 Blue Green, Khanda Seating

16T-302 Red

Colors2 16T 401 Red, Khanda Seating

16Y-1015 Dark Red

Colors2 16Y 1015 Dark Red, Khanda Seating

16Y-707 Coral

Colors2 16Y 707 Coral, Khanda Seating

16Y-906 Royal Blue

Colors2 16Y 906 Royal Blue, Khanda Seating

16T-304 Purple

Colors2 16T 304 Purple, Khanda Seating

16HY-601 Beige

Colors2 16HY 601 Beige, Khanda Seating

16HY-610 Sky Blue

Colors2 16HY 610 Sky Blue, Khanda Seating

16T-208 Navy

Colors2 16T 208 Navy, Khanda Seating

16Y-705 Dark Aqua

Colors2 16Y 705 Dark Aquamarine, Khanda Seating

16T-401 Red

Colors2 16T 401 Red, Khanda Seating

16Y-701 Red

Colors2 16Y 701 Red, Khanda Seating

16Y-905 Dark Red

Colors2 16Y 905 Dark Red, Khanda Seating

16T-209 Black

Colors2 16T 209 Black, Khanda Seating

16Y-1038 Brown

Colors2 16Y 1038 Brown, Khanda Seating

16Y-803 Coral and Blue

Colors2 16Y 803 Coral And Blue, Khanda Seating

16T-403 Blue

Colors2 16HY 610 Sky Blue, Khanda Seating

16Y-1037 Light Sky Blue

Colors2 16Y 1037 Light Sky Blue, Khanda Seating

16T-404 Black

Colors2 16T 404 Black, Khanda Seating

16T-402 Dark Red

Colors2 16T 402 Dark Red, Khanda Seating

16Y-702 Dark Red

Colors2 16Y 702 Dark Red, Khanda Seating

16Y-802 Dark violet

Colors2 16Y 802 Dark Violet Red Blue, Khanda Seating

16Y-1039 Black

Colors2 16Y 1039 Black, Khanda Seating

16Y-1018 Gray

Colors2 16Y 1018 Gray, Khanda Seating

16Y-1036 Deep Sky Blue

Colors2 16Y 1036 Deep Sky Blue, Khanda Seating

16T-303 Dark Green

Colors2 16T 303 Dark Green, Khanda Seating

16HY-607 Deep Green

Colors2 16HY 607 Deep Green, Khanda Seating

16Y-1016 Red

Colors2 16Y 1016 Red, Khanda Seating

16T-1041 Red Checker

Colors2 16T 1041 Red Checker, Khanda Seating

16HY-602 Royal Blue

Colors2 16HY 602 Royal Blue 1, Khanda Seating

16T-301 Black

Colors2 16T 301 Black, Khanda Seating

16Y-708 Gray

Colors2 16Y 708 Gray, Khanda Seating

16Y-1017 Light Blue

Colors2 16Y 1017 Light Blue, Khanda Seating

16Y-901 Green

Colors2 16Y 901 Green, Khanda Seating

16Y-903 Black

Colors2 16Y 903 Black, Khanda Seating

16Y-10312 Dark Red

Colors2 16Y 10312 Dark Red, Khanda Seating

16T-206 Dark Red

Colors2 16T 206 Dark Red, Khanda Seating

16Y-1035 Deep Royal Blue

Colors2 16Y 1035 Deep Royal Blue, Khanda Seating

16HY-603 Black Brown

Colors2 16HY 603 Black Brown, Khanda Seating

16T-207 Gray Purple

Colors2 16T 207 Gray Purple, Khanda Seating

Mexican Wave  |  College Campus  |  Game On  |  Grand Stand  |  Challenger  |  Downtime


Midnight Blue
Midnight Blue, Khanda Seating
Light Grey
Light Grey, Khanda Seating

Special Colour

Redgum, Khanda Seating
Dark Green
Dark Green, Khanda Seating
Black, Khanda Seating
White, Khanda Seating
Almond, Khanda Seating
Dove Grey
Colors5 Dove Grey, Khanda Seating
Colors5 Orange, Khanda Seating
Sunshine Yellow
Colors5 Sunshine Yellow, Khanda Seating
Colors5 Turquoise, Khanda Seating
Frothy Coffee
Colors5 Frothy Coffee, Khanda Seating
Chair Red
Colors5 Chair Red, Khanda Seating
Lime Green
Colors5 Pastel Green, Khanda Seating
Pastel Green
Colors5 Pastel Green, Khanda Seating
Colors5 Charcoal, Khanda Seating
Colors5 Teal, Khanda Seating
Colors5 Avocado, Khanda Seating
Dark Blue
Colors5 Dark Blue, Khanda Seating
Colors5 Shadow, Khanda Seating
Australia Turquoise
Colors5 Australia Turquoise, Khanda Seating
Coke Red
Colors5 Coke Red, Khanda Seating
Australia Yellow
Colors5 Australia Yellow, Khanda Seating
Australia Burgundy
Colors5 Australia Burgendy, Khanda Seating
Gun Metal
Colors5 Gun Metal, Khanda Seating

Rio Classic

Colors6 Black, Khanda Seating
Colors6 Blue, Khanda Seating
Dark Red
Colors6 Dark Red, Khanda Seating
Colors6 Green, Khanda Seating
Light Brown
Colors6 Light Brown, Khanda Seating
Colors6 White, Khanda Seating

Stacker 500

Colors7 Black, Khanda Seating
Colors7 Blue, Khanda Seating
Colors7 Burgendy, Khanda Seating

Flash beam  |  Single Seats

Colours8 Grey, Khanda Seating
Colours8 White, Khanda Seating
Colours8 Blue, Khanda Seating
Colours8 Olive, Khanda Seating
Colours8 Mango, Khanda Seating
Colours8 Red, Khanda Seating
Colours8 Black, Khanda Seating

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