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6 Issues You Can Beat with Our Affordable Church Seating Solutions

Not only do old church pews and benches look outdated, but they may also diminish your ministry’s overall growth. Functional seating is crucial in churches, in fact, as they directly influence the comfort and attention span of congregants. New members also know whether or not a church is geared towards welcoming its members – those with drab building décor, insufficient facilities, and uncomfortable seating will not make an excellent first impression. Our affordable options will help you overcome six common complaints when it comes to church seating.

1. The Chairs are Old-Fashioned

It is no secret that younger individuals are always on the lookout for new, modern institutions in which to study and work, and their church of choice is no different. The last thing your ministry’s management wants is to come off as old-fashioned. Ageing, creaky pews and benches may retain the tradition of the institution, but do not offer younger church members the warmth and welcome they may be seeking.

2. Hindered Sight Lines

Sitting through a long sermon while unable to see past the people in front of you is an unpleasant experience. Our affordable theatre or auditorium-style seating will provide a much better line of sight to what is happening on stage. In this way, each member engages with your ministry’s message.

3. Uncomfortable Seats

Seat comfort and back support are integral to the type of seating upon which you decide. Members experiencing discomfort will shift about, become restless, and lose focus on the sermon. Small children and the elderly in particular fare much better with upholstered, padded seats.

4. Poor Capacity

Regular benches or separate chairs do not make the best use of the available space within the building. Our evenly spaced, fixed seating solutions maximise the area, which means you will be able to accommodate more members comfortably.

5. Inaccessibility and Difficulty Moving About

If those who need to leave during the service find themselves scooching over the laps of strangers in the row – it is certainly time for new seats. Our affordable fixed seating offers wider rows and can even be arranged in such a way as to accommodate people in wheelchairs or those with mobility difficulties. This ease of movement can also be extended to worship sessions wherein seats with tip-up bottoms create more space to dance and praise.

6. Lack of Personal Space

While sitting in a traditional wooden pew, congregants are at the mercy of whoever decides to squeeze in beside them. Our affordable theatre and auditorium-style seats are separated, often each with their own armrests, so each attendee is free to move within their own seat. This personal space means a greater level of comfort for every visitor.

There is no better time than the present when it comes to renovating your church. The sooner you do it, the happier your congregants will be. So, if you would like more information on keeping your members comfortably glued to their seats with our affordable range, then do not hesitate to contact us online or drop us an email at info@khandaseating.co.za.

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